Other stuff
This page is for anything that doesn't quite fit the other pages.
Here is an article from The Radio Handbook by William I. Orr, W6SAI ©1962 on audio amplifier construction.
Gene's TV Service
This is where I worked for over 12 years of my life. I worked part time during high school from September 1984 to May 1985. Then full time between March 1986 and May 1998. Unfortunately, the business no longer exists.
Gene's TV Service started in 1952 and became a Zenith dealer. In fact, when I worked there, we serviced and sold
Zenith products exclusively. This was part of the reason for my interest in Zenith history and radios.
Favorite Hill TV
After working for Genes TV, I started working at Favorite Hill TV in Piqua.
The name "Favorite Hill" was because of the area of Piqua Ohio where the shop was located.
The Favorite Stove and Range Company was a large part of Piqua's economy. The company created a housing district called Favorite Hill where most of the employees lived.
I continued working for Favorite Hill TV until 2005. Business was falling off as televisions and VCRs were becoming so cheap, it was more cost effective to buy new than to have your old TV repaired. So, I had to move on and find a new job.
Yes, that is Peewee Herman on the screens. Just coincidence he was there at the time I took the shot...
I do miss working in TV repair, but things have changed so much. I can't go back.
More to come